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Living at Thistledown

Our home includes beds for 10 men, a theatre room, parking, and lots of shared living space. Your fee of $200/week includes all utilities, heat, and household supplies.

In order to ensure that everyone at Thistledown has a positive recovery process, there are some guidelines that all residents must follow. This is only a partial list to give you an idea of our expectations. Our handbook provides additional guidance and is available upon application to Thistledown. We are here to support you, and will engage in open conversation about our structure throughout the application process and your stay at Thistledown.

1. 30 days sobriety required for admission; continued sobriety to stay.

2. Attendance at recovery meetings of your choice

4. Within 30 days you will need to have secured a job

5. Communal living means you'll have household as well as personal responsibilities.

6. You'll have a curfew, a roommate, and limitations on visitors. 

7. Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's things alone, and be kind to one another (the wisdom of Lt. Tim Cotton of the Bangor, ME PD.)

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